Meet KIRA KIRA! After discovering that her everyday moisturizer wasn’t as natural and healthy as she thought, Kiera Jacob founded KIRA KIRA, a skincare brand committed to natural products. In a world hyper-dominated with products of all shapes and sizes, the brand is committed to transparency and trust. Their flagship product, the Original Body Butter, is an absolute must during these cold, winter months. Easy, multipurpose, and healthy, read on for more on KIRA KIRA.
1. Tell me about KIRA KIRA? How was it created?
KIRA KIRA is my baby!!! We’re a new brand whose goal is to shake up the skincare/beauty industry! Our flagship product, the Original Body Butter, is guaranteed to make you feel good, smell good, and look good. A couple years ago, I realized the moisturizer I was using contained a harmful ingredient called Petrolatum. I felt betrayed by my go-to, favorite, trusty lotion and by the skincare industry in general. I tried to find something else to replace it, but I genuinely couldn’t find another product like that one.
For my lifestyle, I needed a moisturizer that checked a couple boxes. 1) Is not mostly water and is actually moisturizing. 2) When it’s on my body, it makes my skin look soft, healthy, and shiny. 3) It smells good. 4) Doesn’t contain cheap and harmful ingredients.
From that point on, I realized my only option was to create my own product. My professional experience is in Marketing for skincare/beauty brands which empowered me with the confidence to create my own brand. Enter: KIRA KIRA!
2. What is the LAUNE (mood) of KIRA KIRA?
The LAUNE is real, fun, a little messy, easy-going, and for the girls who get it. As a brand, our main concern is offering a quality product that’s your ultimate go-to. We want you to spend more living your life and less worrying about brand-names or following trends.
3. What made you fall in love with skincare/bodycare?
I (Kiera) have always loved, appreciated, and been a consumer of all things skincare/beauty. Although, I have to say fashion is my first true love. And similar to fashion, the things you decide to put on your body heavily impact the way you feel about yourself. So I think feeling good and feeling confident have made me fall in love with skincare. Skincare is like the foundation of feeling good.
4. How should people incorporate KIRA KIRA into their routines?
I have a pretty active lifestyle so KIRA KIRA is something I’m using multiple times everyday! Whether I’m walking the streets of NYC or swimming in the ocean in NJ, having it handy in my bag is essential. I think the best way to use it is straight out of the shower.
Here’s exactly how I apply it:
When you get out of the shower, leave some water droplets on your body
Take a generous scoop with your finger (about the size of a blueberry)
Rub the product between both hands
Disperse all over the body! (focus on legs, knees, arms, elbows)
By using the left-over water droplets, the product will spread much easier. This helps avoid *transepidermal water loss* (the amount of water that evaporates from the skin).
5. What inspires you?
I’m easily inspired - Art always inspires me like movies, music, books, museums. Being in the city or traveling to new places inspires me.
6. What are three staple products that every routine should have and why?
A raw-ingredient of your choice (example: coconut oil, shea butter, avocado oil, etc.) for some quick moisture or to slug with!
Lanolips 101 Ointment (for lips and dry cuticles). Put this on before bed and wake up with perfectly soft and moisturized lips.
Something fun like a face roller or soothing eye patches. I think our skincare routines should be a time to unwind. After everything is done, I love to roll my face with a cold roller. It probably doesn’t do anything but it feels good and makes me happy lol.
7. What’s next for KIRA KIRA?
New products in 2025!!! I have so many ideas for this brand and I just hope to make a positive difference in the industry. I also hope you (reader) decide to follow along. <3
Rapid Fire:
1. What’s one product you could not live without?
KIRA KIRA Original Body Butter - I’m serious.
2. What are three staple items that every closet should have?
A casual sneaker that's NOT a running shoe that you could also easily walk 10+ miles in.
An oversized cozy sweater.
A perfect pair of jeans that you could wear all day.
3. Describe your style in three words.
My winter style is cozy, classic, and functional.
4. Early mornings or sleeping in?
Sleeping in.
5. AM or PM skincare?
1000% PM skincare.
6. Dream collab?
KIRA KIRA x Marc Jacobs - I grew up loving MJ and I know this doesn’t make sense but that’s what dreams are for!!!!
7. Favorite place?
My apartment.
8. Favorite drinks spot in NYC?
Art Bar for their happy hour.
9. Favorite restaurant in NYC?
Pranakhon in the Village or Onieals in Hoboken.
10. Favorite style icon?
There’s too many so I guess I’ll just say Emma Chamberlain for now. Or my sister.
11. Favorite movie?
Little Women (Greta's Version) (EM: The absolute best!)
12. What are you loving right now?
My musical hobbies! It keeps me off my phone and is so great for relieving stress.